Apr 13, 2009

Happy Easter!!

(a day late and a dollar short)

I'm a day late cause I'm crazy busy with photo shoots right now, yippee!!

And a dollar short cause we just dropped $497.67 on a bad bearing in our one and only vehicle. fun, huh??

But we had a beautiful Easter, totally blessed. Spent the day with the incredible Aunt Mary Ridge and her brilliant family!! It was a blast. The food was fantastic, but the company and the confetti egg fight was even better!

Today I've spent today buried in laundry, housekeeping, packing for District Council (eeeh!!) and editing. I just moved from 4 behind to 3, but I leave for a senior shoot in an hour. Very cool though, I love, LOVE my job. You all know that, I just am really seeing God's blessing all over my business lately and it's so exciting!!

Ok, well I need to go get ready for my shoot, but I just wanted to remind you all how good God is!! Yesterday was a celebration of His very best gift to us and I hope you found a still moment to reflect on that and tell Him how good He is!! I did. Love you all!

PS - it totally has to be the joy of the Lord when I'm still super happy today even after having a $500 bombshell drop in my lap this morning!

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