Apr 6, 2009

Ridiculously Excited...

I know, I know, big shocker there. Man, if I could bottle up my excitement and sell it, I'd be a rich woman, wouldn't I?

Life is good. Not that it isn't exhausting and some moments I'm just not sure which task to turn to next, but overall, it's good!! The next few months are looking so wonderful, I'm just ready to take them on!

First off, God is really blessing my business. That is an answer to prayer in itself. I've got three shoots scheduled this weekend, and I'm so excited for each of them!! One family, one couple and one senior - so a great blend of styles. I love stretching like that, and being creatively refreshed for each snew gig. Hoping to shoot one in a junk yard, so I've got a bit of research and phone calling to do in the morning. :)

And of course, it's Easter weekend, which is historically an awesome weekend. I love Easter and the meaning of it. And I know as Pentecostals 'every Sunday is Easter Sunday' and that's totally my lifestyle, but the real Easter Sunday has deep and significant meaning in my book. Our church has invited Jews for Jesus to do a special service this Sunday and I'm really looking forward to hearing their message and partaking in their heritage. I guess I've secretly always wished I had grown up Jewish - to be God's chosen people, what an honor! I know He loves us Gentiles too, but the legacy of the Jewish people is incredible. It should be a very special Easter Celebration. Also, we have the annual Egg Hunt at Trinity on Saturday at 10am, that's always a blast with the kiddos. (and a photo op!)

I guess I was feeling Easter-y already because I had an urge to bake and frost sugar cookies this evening, and they turned out so pretty! This post is useless without photos, but they are in the dark kitchen and I just got the kids to bed. Eli and Sarah have been a bit insane the past 2 days and we aren't sure what exactly is up with that...

Next week is huge. Monday I will spend editing photos all day, I'm sure. Probably in to Tuesday as well. At noon we leave for District Council, which is always a joy to attend. Spending dedicated time with Pastor and Linda is really special, since most of the time we talk about church, it's nice to get away and just be us once in a while. But the highlight of District Council this year will for sure be Rob's ordination. I am so thrilled about this event, we've been working towards it for a long time now! The spiritual significance is extraordinary and I'm just so delighted to be there experiencing it with him!! His mom and stepdad are coming down from AR to celebrate with us, it will be so good to see them. We are going to take in the beach over the weekend, which we haven't been to since Ike, so that will be interesting. President Bush Senior says it's A.O.K. to return to Galveston Island so we'll do our patriotic duty and eat out while we are there, I'm sure. :)

And most exciting of all, off in the not too-far distance looms my birthday. Ah, the big one. The only thing that makes it most exciting is that my best friend Lori will be coming to share it with me - removing the sting from 30 hopefully. I can't wait!!

So, as you can plainly see, I'm a little worked up. So many fun and happy things on the horizon. Yes, I know we are in a recession. Yes, I know the unemployment rate is at an all-time high. Yep, the government created a trillion random dollars out of thin air 3 or so weeks ago. I know all that. But I'm choosing to see the positives in life, and they are still there, I promise!! The biggest positive? The best reason to have joy in your every day life and a bounce in your daily step?? My Lord and Savior is coming back for us one day soon! And until that trumpet sounds, I'm going to squeeze the very best out of this life. That glass is still half full, baby, I promise.

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