Apr 9, 2009


Do you ever just wake up in the very best mood??

It's officially my favorite day of the week and Rob and I have an entire day of fun planned! I'm so excited to spend time with him today. We've been running in different directions a lot lately and I love having 6 hours on Thursdays to spend soaking up each other's presence. It's going to be a great day, I can tell already.

So my hair's looking sweet (thanks Jennifer), I'm wearing a 'date top', my lipstick's on and I'm ready to go!! Oh, and Rob brought in these beautiful roses from our bush this morning. I am a blessed woman!!

Plus, looking forward to this evening... One of my students brought me a $10 iTunes gift card last night. Just made my evening! I can't wait to 'shop' for some new music!!

Hope you have a great day too!!

PS - I've really been enjoying this song lately. Now I really don't believe in luck, and feel more blessed than lucky, but the concept of still being in love with my best friend really appeals to me. :)

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