Mar 23, 2007

first homeschool trip

Ok, sad, this was almost two weeks ago, but I'm just now getting to share the pictures. You understand, right?? To my credit, I did try to upload them several times before, but sometimes our connection is unstable and the server freaks out and loses it. So we'll se if it cooperates tonight. We did have a great time that day. Sarah loved the elephants. She kept asking me "When are we going to go see the elephants Mom?" the whole day - it kind of wound up being the last thing we saw. Both kids were super good and we had a great time. I'm looking forward to our next field trip, which will be Monday - we are going to Springfield to visit the Lincoln Museum, it should be cool. My sister is going to meet us there, so it will be pretty cool.

Oh, and in the pictures - the one with Sarah making the crazy face - she was mimicking the huge fish in the tank, gulping up all the poo. gross. they both found the poo-eaters very funny.

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