Mar 19, 2007

a reward for all my faithful readers

Because I'm pretty much the suckiest blogger of all time lately, I decided to share an amazing recipe with you all. Call it a peace offering. Call it a bribe. whatever. We made this soup at my pampered chef show back in January - it was good that night, but undercooked. If you follow my directions - it's amazing and I'm addicted. :) Oh, and this is my slightly altered Anna version of this recipe.

Quick Tortilla Soup
(it really is super-quick)

1/2 cup chopped onions (I chop these tiny, does anyone REALLY like onions??)
1 TBSP of taco seasoning
1 can petite diced tomatoes (sauce and all)
1 garlic clove pressed
6 cups chicken broth
1/4 cup lime juice
2 cups cooked chicken chopped (I boil it on the stove and chop it up ahead of time)
1 cup frozen corn (this is my addition, but it makes it amazing!)

toppings - sour cream, mexican blended grated cheese, broken tortilla chips

Cook onion (I add 1TBSP butter) and garlic 2-3 minutes, add taco seasoning. Add chicken broth, salsa and lime juice. Cover and bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Add chicken and corn.

Serve with toppings. I mix the sour cream into the soup (about a teaspoon) and it makes the soup really creamy and delish. The tortillas are like crackers in it, but retain their shape and texture better. yum, I'm making myself hungry just typing this!!! enjoy!

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