May 30, 2008

Shoveling Out Again

I have just been buried lately! It's been crazy. Part of it is that I'm working on launching a new ministry (realife) at our church, so that's been a little time consuming. I've also had 4 shoots this week (after tomorrow am anyway) and that is exciting, but just takes time to post-process. Sarah had her end of school year program this week, and we entertained until 12am last night. It's been fun though! I am (as usual)_ so excited about our life! My cousin Sara and here family are in Galveston-ish this week so we are really looking forward to seeing them in church on Sunday and then taking a few days off this coming week to play on the beach, camera in tow, of course. It's been a long time since I've done beach pictures, so I'm pretty psyched about all of that!
Work was fun today, super intensely busy, but I kind of love it when it's like that, the day goes fast and I feel all accomplished and what not.

I've got some fun photos to share from our vacation that I just hadn't gotten to yet, so I'm hoping to do that now. I need to help get the kiddos off to bed first though. It's getting crazy late for them. And I have to be in Deer Park at 7:30am for a photo shoot, yay! so no late night for me, right??

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