May 9, 2008

We Made It.

For any of you that were wondering whether or not we survived our 17 hours in the car with Sare, we did. :) Barely, but we did. Sarah probably threw 4 major fits between Texas and Iowa, but we survived it. And yep, it cost a fortune in gas. Not quite as much as I anticipated, but we started the trip with a pretty full tank. It was a crazy long drive and I can tell that 30 is pushing in on me, my knees were really achy this time. We had a lot of good talks though, and listened to some great music and did a lot of reminiscing. The lengths of time when Sarah wasn't freaking out were really pretty swell.

So we are glad to be here. Anxious to start taking pictures, the Camiolo family is up first. Praying about the weather too, I have two shoots scheduled and as of last night it was supposed to rain all day Saturday.

Can't wait to hit Younkers and HyVee, the major luxuries in life.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you all made your trip safely. I saw Baby Manuel pics. Anna, you are awesome and getting awesomer and awesomer with every shoot you. Well it's prom weekeend and I am in charge of Chris and 13 of his best friends so please really pray and pray for me. Love ya'll lost - enjoy your vacation and be careful coming home.

Anonymous said...

Boy did I ever mess that one word up "Love ya'll lots"!

antho said...

Thanks Linda! It's all God, I promise!

You can bet I'll be praying for those kids this weekend. Enjoy it!