Sep 29, 2008

Life Is Good

This morning I am enjoying my first kid-free day in since 3 days before Ike. On Wednesday it will be three weeks. Wow. That sounds like a really ungrateful thing to say, and I don't mean to be ungrateful. I adore my kids, but we all do better if we get a little space from one another once in a while and 3 weeks was too many. :) I did manage to sneak away for two photo shoots and one scrapbook store run, but that's not much in 3 weeks.

So of course, I have a giant docket today. First and foremost, I'm making Pastor his belated surprise birthday cake for our staff meeting tonight. Our house is filled with the yummy smell of carrot cake baking. Next, I'm blogging, because it's been absolutely forever. Then I'm working on editing the engagement shoot from last Saturday. Somewhere in all that too, I need to get my house company ready. :) Oh, and there are always a few loads of laundry that need washed.

But it's so quiet. Well, except for me blaring Relient K during my shower this morning, and Sondre Lerche while I was mixing up the cake. details. I love that I can do whatever I want uninterrupted.

But truth be told, by the time they wrap their sticky little hands around my neck and shower me with hugs and kisses at t 3pm, I'll be missing them. :)

The following are photos of Eli's first GATE project. His assignment was to make a diorama of a place that served the community. He chose the hospital. It was a good choice for him because we visited a family friend there just a week ago. We had lots of giggles over the word 'diorama' though - Daddy liked to say it like it was another word. te hee.

Here he is working on it. I helped him with the overall design concept - neither of us had done a diorama before. The internet proved to be a great resource, as usual. I also helped with the pillows and beds, the stapling got a little tricky.

Here is the outside of his hospital. It is red brick in real life, with big plate glass windows.

This is the list of ways the hospital helps the community. Isn't his handwriting neat for a second grader? I just love this kid! He amazes me.
Here is our proud second grader with completed project.
Here is him holding it open so you can see inside the room. Notice the cast on the little boy's arm - that was his idea. Grandma is sick and the little boy broke his arm, they wanted to be in the same room. :) Also, his idea.
He did a great job of remembering the details of the hospital room, right down to the IV and the white board. And or course, the tv is on Fox News - notice the ticker below the news anchor?Overall, we had a blast doing it, and Sarah actually left us alone long enough to concentrate on it. When I put him to bed last night his high for the day was 'making the diorama (giggle giggle) with Mommy.' awww... Me too kiddo, me too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eli did a great job! Anna, you have forgotten King Ken and Queen Barbie and Sister Mitzy in the medieval Charmin Castle Box! I think we had as much fun at that as you and Eli had with his project.