Sep 14, 2008

the Waiting Game

Well, Hurricane Ike has been on his way beyond Baytown for almost 24 hours. We've heard from a lot of friends and church family and PRAISE GOD everyone seems to be ok. Sounds like a ton of damage though. Basically, Baytown is completely without power. Our energy provider, CenterPoint, claimed 100% of their customers had outages by yesterday afternoon. We've seen a bit of footage from Baytown and it looks extremely grim. Some of our friends have damage to their homes, everyone's lost their fence. We have not hear anything about our home and that becomes increasingly difficult with each passing hour. This is a time when I am heavily depending on the Lord. I know that our God is big and He will sustain us through anything. And I remind myself that a little over a year ago, we didn't have a home at all, so I need to be grateful for everything we have, especially that my beautiful family is safe. I'm extremely grateful for my Aunt and Uncle for opening their home to us. Right now Baytown is closed, meaning they will not allow anyone back in, so going home is not a possibility. And it sounds like you can't get through the streets to even get to our home to see what has happened.

The possiblities of damage are endless, but my main concerns are flooding, broken through windows, blown through garage doors and damage to the ceiling that water could leak into the house. Then you start to think about looting and animals... The sad thing is that another decent sized rain storm just passed through the area again. With damaged homes and businesses any more rain is a bad thing. Also, I heard this morning that they are opening Walmarts again in Houston, but Baytown was not on that list.

Please continue your prayers. It must be miserable there with no power, no phone lines. Remember, it's still summer in Texas.

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