Sep 3, 2008

So I'm telling myself my head won't really explode.

I don't know what the deal is.

It started like any sinus infection I normally get, just minus the sore throat. If you know me, you probably know that I've had chronic sinus infections for the past 6 years or so. (wow, it's been that long!) And by chronic, I mean 6+ a year. Well, that number jumped severely when we moved to Texas a little over a year ago. I think the constant changing pressure from the Gulf is probably a lot of the culprit, in conjunction with the ever-present mold because of our wet climate and lack of frozen tundra in the winter. :)

Anyhoo sinus infections, as much as they stink, are a natural part of my existence. I usually fight them off on my own, I hate to take antibiotics and it's just too costly to trouble the doctor six or more times a year.

I thought I caught this one early. I immediately stopped any dairy intake and starting using the much recommended Neti-Pot, keeping up my continual Claritin as usual. Actually, truth be told, I doubled up, now that I think about it. A little trick my dad told me his dr had recommended in the really bad August allergy season.

So all's clear in the sinuses. But my ears started aching on Saturday. Like pressure, deep in them. It's just gotten worse and worse and worse. My jaw hurts, the inside of my head like a pressure drilling in towards my throat. I've barely slept since Saturday because it hurts worse to lay down.

The worst is that I can hardly accomplish anything. All the things that I normally do; paying bills, studying photography books, reading, making any kind of cognitive decision, it's just way harder than it should be! In fact, I just missed a lunch appointment because I've been so out of it I haven't even checked my date book THIS WEEK! What a way to run a business, eh? In fact, I've struggled even typing, simple spelling is more than my feeble brain can handle right now.

The good news is I've made a doctor appointment. The bad news is that it's tomorrow. And I'm too cheap to go to urgent care. :) Oh well, I've survived this long, surely I can make it until tomorrow morning, right?

It stinks though. I've got all kinds of plans for what I'd like to do. I just have no stamina to do it. grr.

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