Sep 9, 2008

Speaking In Faith

Today has been a great day. First of all, the love of my life turned 31 today. :) We were in the office today for our staff meeting and we got have lunch with Pastor and the office staff had a cake built for him. It was really fun. And other then my blinding headache, I really enjoyed the entire day. Got virtually nothing accomplished, but I think Rob felt loved. At least I hope so. I am just so incredibly thankful for him and the relationship we have shared these past almost twelve years. He's just grown so much (we both have) and I'm more amazed by him all the time.

Anyhoo, our meeting was super productive and I am once again in awe of the great people I get to work with in and out on a daily basis. God is so good and I'm so thankful for where He's placed us.

And tonight, we were eating supper - a true labor of love because I sincerely wanted to go to bed and hide under my covers until my head stopped hurting - and during supper - the ache just subsided. My ears seem to be popping a bit and I'm hoping and praying and believing that this is the light at the end of my tunnel! Wouldn't that be great?? I'm just dying to pick up my camera and be me again!! Let it be Lord!

In other faith news... Rob and I have decided to put our house up for sale. Not because we don't love it - it's actually more us than it's ever been! It's not that we are dissatisfied with it or are looking to upgrade. We are just really tired of the drive from church to home. We sat down last week and figured it out and realized that we spend TWELVE hours a week in the car in any given week. No wonder my housekeeping skills seem to be in question!! (JK)

So we are going to try to sell by owner and move to the south side of town. Our goal is to be 5 minutes from the church. We feel like we will be giving ourselves some free time and saving ourselves $100's of dollars a month in gas. If you would pray for us in this endeavor, that would be greatly appreciated. We by no means 'need to sell', we've just decided that it would make our life a lot easier. And at this point, easier sounds a lot better.

Well, off to hopefully sleep pain free for the first time in over a week! Nighty-night!

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