Nov 26, 2008

But I'm Too Exited To Sleep!!!

(anybody remember that Disney World commercial from a few years back?)

Oooh, today! I'm so glad it's here! First off, I have two shoots today, which always makes me nervous/excited/thrilled all in a sick kind of twisty way. I love what I do, and I always want to do it to my very best ability. This morning we are shooting in a kind of tricky location that has owned me previously, but today, well today I am more prepared (I studied up) and I am conquering it!! :)

It's early and chilly though, so I'm praying that the kiddos cooperate. 43 is downright icy to Texans, remember?

Then I get to start (yes I said START) on my Turkey day prep. I know how sad that is, that it's Wed already and I haven't so much as made a pie, but today's the day. I also need to scrub my kitchen floor... I'm pretty sure it's been sliding from to-do list to-do list for about 3 weeks now. It's pretty nasty. And I wouldn't want to gross Kim out. Oh my goodness, did I just say KIM??? That brings me to point #3....

KIMMIE'S COMING!!!! yee-haw!! (a Texas welcome for her!) She and Ricky (her super sweet hubby, you may remember from previous shoots) are hopping on a plane after supper and they'll be touching down at 10pm. I CAN'T WAIT!! You can tell how excited I am because I'm talking in asides. (I always overuse asides when I don't take the time to think my sentences through properly.)

So, I was getting ready to dry my hair this morning and I realized all of this and decided to drop everything and come post about how insanely excited I really am.

(aren't you glad I did???)

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