Nov 11, 2008

The Photographer In Me

This is a cool photo a client snapped the other day during our session. I was painting on Crystal's belly for our next series of shots. Dude, look how serious I look!

So Rob was asking me this evening, at what point does it become just another shoot to me. When do I get to the point that I just have a mental checklist for each session and does it all ever start to look the same?

My answer was simple. Every shoot is different. Every family is unique and special. Every couple has their own interpretation of their relationship. There is no cookie cutter session with me. I think if I get to that point, it's time to put the camera down, don't you?

We've all seen those photographers - you know the underpaid hourlys at Sears or the over-paid wedding photographer that you can tell is simply putting their time in to get the same images just different folks than they did at the last setting or event.

I pray before each shoot to be freshly inspired by the people in front of my lens, that I see what God sees in them. He loves each of us as His precious children and delights in our personalities and quirks. I feel like my calling is to witness that special something in you and capture it in an image. The day that I stop feeling that way about it is the day I need to close up shop.

Feeling super inspired this morning, I wonder what the day will bring??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to have the above statements in your "about you" portion of your site if you don't already. What a beautiful philosophy! I agree totally and hope for the same in my work. Love ya girl - Jennifer