Nov 18, 2008

Recovery Update

We had a small victory in our Ike recovery this evening. After almost 2 and half months, I just paid our final bill from our evacuation/loss of groceries/disaster expenses. We are officially caught up and we did it all on our own steam, since our insurance company has all but failed us at this point. You can't know what a relief it is to have 'survived' this storm and all the anxiety that has accompanied it.

Now I type this, and we are still living in a tarp-covered home with a lost back fence. I'm so thankful that we have no water leaking in or any inside damage. I am completely disheartened and frustrated with our insurance company - the Texas Not-So-Fair Plan. I am also commiting to daily phone calls to them, hoping that just noting our account daily will annoy them to a point of paying. The adjuster turned in his report 19 days ago and now my claim is 'in review' but they cannot even give me an estimation (days, weeks or months) of how long that will be. I'm severely annoyed by the whole process. I stated very plainly to the lady on the phone that if I was two and half months late on my payment that they would no longer consider me a customer. She said she appreciated my patience and I explained that my patience was spent after 10 weeks since our little friend Ike. So I have a physical mailing address to which I can send my complaint where it will be reviewed. My policy states 5 days after a claim or 15 after a natural disaster. I think I have a soap box to stand on.

Anyway, we are marching forward with roof repairs because Kim and Ricky already purchased their tickets and winter is coming. We've had a couple really windy nights the past week where I just lay in bed and pray that our tarps hold since now our roof has lots of holes in it, thanks to the good people at FEMA.

Oh, well, what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger, right? If I get too much more buff I'm going to start to look like this chick.
but on the upside, I think that the insurance company might take me a little more seriously the next time I call. :)

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