Mar 20, 2007

My God is My Portion

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that our hope really is in the Lord and we cannot lean on our own understanding.

Day 25 in Purpose Driven talks a lot about what to do with life's problems. It was a fitting passage for this week. I think God placed it in my path to remind me how to react when life deals you an unfair hand. A little preparation for the week to come. I find His peace in the midst of my chaos. I'm trying to fight fair and have a humble attitude, remembering that He is ultimately shaping my character. People are going to walk in and out of my life, but my relationship with Him, more importantly my accountability TO HIM will be forever. I think it's finally sinking in that I CANNOT please everyone and instead I need to focus on pleasing Him. That is an attainable goal of far more value.

Our family could use your prayers this week.


Anonymous said...

You got it. I've had to come to the same conclusion over the last year. This is a painful lesson to learn. I'll start praying now.

antho said...

thanks for your support Jennifer. I think we are going to be ok. :)