I got to steal a few moments this afternoon to create. That was fun. I hadn't scrapbooked in quite a while and I miss it when I don't. If I have a photo shoot, that helps the creative urges, but I still really love scrapbooking. I'm noticing my work take a shift toward chaos lately, it seems telling of my life since Texas; busy, happy, fulfilled but a bit behind schedule.
The house page is all about Sarah's made up friend, Grandma Sally. Grandma Sally is a regular visitor at our house, she apparently allows Sarah to do everything that we won't let her. Such as; drinking soda, wearing tank tops and calling them 'bras', riding without her seatbelt, taking library books out of the house, wearing skirts when it's 40 degrees without tights, etc. You get the point. She basically is telling us that Grandma Sally is cooler than us. And you know what? I'm ok with that. Grandma Sally is Sarah's friend. I am her mother. It's my job to set the rules, to keep order, to set her on the path to being a well-rounded upstanding contributing citizen of this country, and more importantly, that she gets her life right with God. Sarah is really trying us right now, and I can tell if I give up the fight and let her win that we will forever regret it with her, so I am trying hard to be as consistent as I possibly can. It's a new battle every minute of the day with her, but we will win. Anyway, I did this page to immortalize Grandma Sally, since she's been a fixture in our home for almost a year now, isn't that funny?
The other page is about me. And how I'm always excited. It's a bright fun happy page, but behind it is a sad truth. I was talking to my dad a few weeks ago and we had been hosting the Power Force and I said I was excited about what God was doing. And he said "You always are." I was taken aback and asked if he meant always excited about church and he said no, he meant I'm always excited about everything. And that I've always been that way, even since I was a very little girl. My first thought was that that's a pretty cool personality trait. Then I realized the tone in which he said it and I suddenly put together that he didn't see it as a happy thing. My dad has historically not been the happiest guy on the earth, only recently (past five years) has he at all come out of that. Anyway, I realized that all these years (almost 29) my dad has hated that about my personality. I probably rubbed him the wrong way every day of my 17 years at home with him. My dad's struggled with depression, so I would guess having someone in the house that was so happy and so excitable was just generally very annoying. Poor dad. And on the flip side of that, it's amazing that I'm that way anyway! Anyhoo, just interesting thoughts I've been meaning to post.
Funny, how these two layouts seem so carefree but there were really some deep emotions behind both of them. guess I'm just that person today. :)
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