Jun 18, 2008


is building.

Tonight was relatively awesome. The kids got way into it. Our team leaders did great and everyone had a fabulous time. I can't wait to see where this goes!
This is the hallway to leading to our youth room, it's actually long and narrow with two big picture windows looking over the gym. The stripe goes the length of the hallway, and there's a bench for lounging.

This is Tim and he's near certifiable - very into it tonight. I drew the juice box on their flag, since I was the Orange team's point counter this evening.
Here's Rob doing the welcome.
Omega was excited to be on the green team with Kevin.
So were these two girls, Nicole and Shonte.
I was super impressed with this flag, the Red team won the flag competition.
Chris went all Braveheart on us, but it was pretty awesome.
Tim is standing in our new visitor room, which we just finished yesterday. It's a cool place to greet our new students and have them fill out info cards, chill and have a soda/snack.
Then we came home to this. And realized shortly that we caught them in the act!
They were just hiding around the backside of the house. They came back for more.
At one point I took out the trash, then found it like this later.
This might be my favorite part though! Way to show team spirit guys!
I love how if you look closely, this says 'red'. extra points for creativity. straws? wow.

And yep, that's our car that they vandalized. Our children are going to love it in the morning!

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