I am so thankful for all these jabronies to be back in to my life. It was so wierd not seeing them and bumping around in an empty house.
Today we had a meeting at church in the am, we came home for lunch and then sent everyone for quiet time. I slept for two hours! I guess my 12 hour drive thursday and working yesterday just wore me out. An interruption from my previous vigorous schedule of eating and slacking I guess.
This afternoon I have a baptism to shoot. I'm pretty excited about it. God has been so good to ATP lately and I am super-grateful every day that He's given me this gift. I probably say that a ton, but I really want to continue to give Him the glory for each and every good thing in my life.
I realized I haven't checked in on 'Giving God 29' in a while. So far, I'd pretty much say this has been the best year of my life. I know it's a little early, but it's true. I've never lived with as much focus as I have this year. Now, I'll be the first to say that some things have fallen by the wayside. I'm sitting in my living room, which is totally disheveled, and I'm not even freaking out. I'm trying to focus more on my relationships and how my kids and friends and the people in church will remember me rather than having my house completely picked up and all my little tasks checked off on my to-do list. In fact, this week I spent a day and a half just kicking back and scrapbooking and watching a movie and chatting on the phone. I didn't even look at my to-do list until noon on Tuesday! The thing about a to-do list? It will always be there. (at least in my world) And I will always be adding to it. But if I wait until everything is checked off to relax and spend a little time in self-care, it will never happen and I will literally run through this life worn and uptight for the world to see my example of what a 'true christian' looks like.
Not cool people. Not cool at all.
so this week I learned about the art of chill. Not too much chilling, not laziness or slacking off, just enough to take the edge off and remember the person I was in high school - not this driven, burn both ends of the candle, packed-schedule beast I've become.
And God has been moving in my life. Jodi spoke on Wednesday night about being the salt of the earth and it really confirmed so many things I have heard in my own time with the Lord lately. Also, the Psalms have been solidifying my view of God's character, and it's so awesome to focus on who He is and what exactly His promises are to me. My life makes so much more sense in the the light of His Word.
I also spent some time listening to Joel Osteen and Beth Moore this week. Joel really talked about the power of investing in others, pausing in your life to help the people around you. You can't walk on this great journey of life with God and just leave the people in your wake and I thought that was really good. He was saying to bless others (teach, help, disciple) for the blessing you yourself will receive, but I think it's more about the "Go into all the world" aspect, it's a commandment. The blessing comes from the obedience, it's a natural God response. I never want to be in this life for the blessing, rather to be the blessing. It's like Christmas, it's way more fun to give than to receive. He did say, though, probably to people like me, that you need to allow people the joy of blessing you. Hey, I guess I can receive that because I know how much fun it is to give!
Speaking of give, tomorrow is Father's Day and I'm pretty psyched to spend the day with Rob, making him feel like a king. He's singing a special solo to Eli tomorrow morning in church and that should be pretty sweet. I'm warning you though, I'm probably going to cry! We are going to grill steaks and enjoy his favorite dessert, Strawberry Shortcake, for dessert. We are also going to have a giant family water balloon fight in the backyard - we may have to make that a Texas Father's Day tradition. :)
Well, I think I've lazed away enough of the day. I've got about 4 piles of laundry in the next room and this disheveled house can only stay this way for so long before I start to get a little crazy. Hey, some things will never change completely! :) Happy Saturday everyone!
I've learned a new word this year as well. It's called chillaxin. My house is much more disheaveled these days and I can't say it bothers me much. I am enjoying and investing in several relationships. Learning the art of text but that's where this generation is at these days. Gotta be where the kids are including my own. I've caught lots of guff for it from some but this is just where God's got me and I'm loving every moment. I'm learning to slow down, relax, listen, and enjoy. Balance in all things. :)
I am so thankful for you, Anna! Reading your blog just makes me happy. You are so full of the light of Christ, it is just so encouraging. :) Thanks for your advice, your comfort, your encouragement, & most of all: your FRIENDSHIP! :) I love you!
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