Jun 23, 2008

New Inspiration and New Pages

I found this amazing ugly chair while garage sale-ing on Saturday morning. Danielle and I woke up smelly-crack early and tromped through all of Baytown (truely, Mt Belviue to Country Club) in search of deals. We definitely found some and it was pretty fun. I found this chair at our last stop and paid the grand total of $10 for it! I can't wait to drag it out in a field with a willing subject. It will be beautiful against a Texas sky, I'm sure! Wish I had some senior portraits booked, but it will happen, I'm sure. Meanwhile, my kids love it like crazy, in fact they are watching tv in it right now.

Also, scrapbooking friday night was a pretty big hit. We had six ladies and stayed until 11am. My poor kids were wiped out, but it was a fun evening. I did two pages and started another two. Here they are.
This page I really like. It's about our hallway back in '97. If you look closely, there's a really neat swirly design on there - it's from Danielle's Cricut machine. It's a pretty cool device, used to cut out diecuts of almost any size and shape.
This page is a total lift of a Kellie Crowe page. It was just so bright and happy and it was perfect for my Iowa page. I added the birds, they just felt like that was a good home.
This page is pretty fun too, very random, but hey, that's ok. I love these flowers from Prima.
And this page is ok, using some fun new Heidi products. But I love how my office chandalier looks in this photo! :)

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