May 7, 2009

11 Year Documentation

My husband is so loving and so patient with me. After spending the entire morning at the salon - getting his hair cut while mine processed - he did these pictures... We brought (a very limited) tripod, the remote, and my friend Jennifer. She got a real kick out of pushing the button!! And she did great, by the end of the shoot she had taken the camera off the tripod!!

The car sticker was totally inspired by her - it's the number of years we've been married and the date of our anniversary!!

Thanks Jennifer, you are a ROCKSTAR!!

total aside - an innocent conversation between my kiddos just now.... Sarah; "Eli, where did you put the poop?" Eli: "It's right here in my hands." (speaking of the little pellets that the Barbie dog eats then 'processes' so Barbie can pooper scooper it back up that Mrs. Linda gave to Sarah for Christmas) I love how kids say exactly what they mean, don't you??

Additional convo with the E-man; he's reading The Boxcar Children

Eli: "It's good, but when is this book going to get really, really exciting?"

Me: "I can't remember. I've read it, but it's been like 20 years. I just remember it's really good."

Eli: "Man, that means you were like 9.." hesitates sheepishly... "or maybe 10." (he's not supposed to tease me about getting old)

Me: "Boy, do you want to die?" (I'm teasing him back, with a pancake flipper in hand)

Eli: "Well, kinda. I can't wait to go to heaven and be with Jesus!"

This kid is SUCH a Christian! I love it

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