May 9, 2009

11 Years TODAY!

Woke up this morning to snuggle with the love of my life... again. And just marveled (again) at how amazing it is to walk through the journey of life with my very best friend. I know how cheesy that sounds, but can I say that I really mean it? Being married to Rob is like attending a sleep over party that never ends. I am so blessed to be with him and we have such a good time!!

It occurred to me as well, that in another 7 years I'll have been with him half my life. Honestly, I don't remember too much about the first 7 years, so pt already feels like I've been with him for half my life. :)

I'm not sure what he's working on over on his computer right now (in the same room, how cute is that?) but he's compiled some sort of RobNanna tribute in song and has it playing gently in the background. I love his brain! I'm super excited for our date sometime later today. We are waiting to hear from the babysitter. Don't know exactly where will go or what we'll do, but he's got a Guitar Center itch and we are thinking maybe Cheddar's. Eli suggested Golden Corral, but he's staying home so he doesn't really get a say in the matter. :)

Eleven years ago I really did make the second best decision of my life (Jesus being the first, obviously). Ironically, it almost didn't happen. Two nights before our wedding we almost called it off, mostly because our family was so concerned about our ages. We seriously were up almost the whole night, in my parents living room in Pisgah, crying and praying and talking it out. I was so scared that I was going to pull Rob off the path of ministry. Little did I know how we needed each other for ministry. I knew, even back then, the brevity of the decision we were making. I knew if our marriage didn't work that he could never be an ordained minister in the A/G - which was his life's dream and calling! That's a lot of pressure on a 18 year old girl!!

I think the thought that turned the tide on our almost break up was imagining the possibility of life without each other. My heart started to break wide open when I thought of him going on about his life without me. And mine seemed to stop right there - I couldn't imagine taking another step forward without him. I felt so complete with him. And that feeling has never changed. Over the past 11 years we've definitely had our moments - but leaving has never been a realistic option because when I look out at the world without Rob anchored by my side - it's a vast grey.

When we were first married I worried all the time that something would happen to him. (his brother, Matt, passed away at 20 and Rob was 23) At that time Rob was diagnosed with a heart irregularity, but it's unoperable and hasn't been a problem so far. I asked God if Rob was too important to me and prayed that He would show Himself to me to eclipse that relationship - and He has.

If Rob would pass tomorrow, I would be ok. God is my strength and I would find all that I need in Him. It would be rough and I would cling to the Lord. But I can't say I wouldn't wake each day still reaching for Rob's touch. He truly is the love of my life, and no other man could ever fill his shoes. I literally thank God for him every single day.

Sorry, I guess that got a little morbid. I'm just so grateful to be with my One. I'm glad we listened to our hearts that May 7th, 1998. I'm pretty sure our kids are glad too! And our church, and our friends, and I'm convinced even our family too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So amazing to think I've been blessed to watch you over this 11 years. You guys truly are family to us. We love you so much! Hope you have a great day celebrating life together! =) K--