May 13, 2009

Pay Per Play for Missions!

So I was talking to theLOFT this evening about going all out for God with missions giving. We've been on a big kick about 'Lost Change, Lost Souls' lately, and the power of a penny. I was on my user page earlier this afternoon and noticed that I have made $739 in the past couple years in Pay-Per-Play videos. Talk about the power of pennies!! So I committed to give the rest of my pay-per-play for the year to Speed the Light. I usually average about $30 per month. In saying that I suddenly realized that my kids in youth group could raise that average, and if we all started talking about it - we could REALLY raise some money for missions!! So if you have a few moments, please visit and watch a few of my videos. My member name is Antho. I'm pledging to give all of my pay-per-plays through 2009 to Spped the Light - the money buys sound and video equipment and vehicles for A/G missionaries across the globe. It's seriously an amazing cause. Our youth group goal is $5000 for 20096 and we are sitting at $569 for the year thus far. This is something we can all do together!!

Here's a linkie for you! Thanks for your help!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

This is such a great idea! Thanks for sharing!!