Jul 31, 2009

A Full Heart and Mind

It's been a strange week in so many ways. I have a back log of pictures to go through, to tell this week's story, but it hasn't happened yet. It's been a very full week, both physically and emotionally. Our life is so that way, we just move from one adventure to the next with barely a few moments to catch our breath in between.

Yesterday Rob and I tried to shop for Sarah's birthday. I say try, because we really only bought a few things at the dollar store and hunted for the perfect charm bracelet, to no avail. We stopped for lunch and the school called to tell us Sare was sick. We picked up the kids and laid down for naps (Sarah slept in my arms) and then had to decide whether or not to keep our fishing date with Judy and Wendy. Sare seemed a lot better (the wonders of tylenol) so we allowed her to go. Oh, it was beautiful, the wind and the water and the sun setting and the stars popping out.... incredible. And I caught my first fish in probably 17 years or so. That was pretty awesome. But as soon as the sun said goodnight and a thunderstorm started to roll in to the north (what a light show that was!) Sare's fever came back (with force) and we needed to call it a night. Stopped at Walgreens on the way home for some medicine and went home with McDonald's for a very late dinner. Our house got lovingly vandalized by some of our wonderful teenagers and it was a great evening. Sare went to bed easily, but then was up several time in the night with fever and a sore throat. I'm sorry, whenever your child is that lethargic and complaining, that's a little scary. We slept in this morning and managed to get a 2pm dr appointment. I'm hoping it's not strep, but I'm unconvinced thus far.
We are supposed to have a youth swim party tonight (as anothere thunderstorm is building), 1st Communion pictures tomorrow night, a typical Sunday including life group at our house, and in 3 days we leave for General Council. And somewhere in and among all that, Rob needs to mow the lawn! :) It's always an adventure!

So, please pray that Sare makes a dramatic turn for the better. And that I find time to plan and pack for next week's trip. It's all good though. I feel so blessed. Oh, and Rob and I had a fantastic date yesterday, just great conversation. I love that man!!

oh, and I need to say that Eli loved fishing. He caught 2 fish last night and he was very triumphant. I do have pictures, of course, and sometime soon I'll post them. Off to prepare for a doctor's visit!!

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