Jul 26, 2009

Long Happy Sunday

Sundays in our house are a little insane generally speaking. Yesterday was no exception. But even in and around the insanity, I love Sundays in the Thoreson household.

I woke up in such a good place. Rob and I prayed together before we even set foot out of bed and it just charged me up. I often pray as I wake up or in the shower, and we always pray before he leaves for church on Sunday morning. We pray in the car on the way to work every morning too, but yesterday it was so cool to have that be our very first activity of the day. It really set the tone. I could tell that God was going to do something in service. Sunday School was well attended (praise God!) and it seemed like our students were 'catching' a lot yesterday morning. And then during big church, the spirit of God moved and it was awesome! I could barely stay in my seat, eventually I just had to go up to the altar simply to give God the honor that was due Him. Matt introduced a new song a few weeks ago from a church called Antioch Community up in Waco. This song is so anointed. It's available here for free download.

I am so excited for what God is doing in our church, and in my personal life. Rob and I have been taking a little break from Facebook for the past 5 or so days just to give us a bit more opportunity to press in and I can tell the difference. I personally have been really giving God my all lately and just asking Him to speak into my life and change some personal habits in me. I feel like I've been hitting a lot of resistance in that, but Pastor spoke about how when you press in, satan knows it and tries harder to derail you. That was just enough information for me! He also spoke the very verse that I've been memorizing all week, Romans 8:38. Amazing, because he only shared 2 scriptures with us yesterday, never even got to preach!

At the end of service we had a time of prayer and I just love that! It's so cool to get the opportunity to pray with people, even if all I do is stand and agree with Pastor and Linda. I've gotten to assist more with that in this church than ever before and I consider it such an blessing.

Then last night we had a concert and a missions auction. I always love a church social event. I guess that's just the pastor's kid in me. :) I love seeing all the ages of the church get together and love on one another. We have so many special people in our church, it's just a blessing to spend time with them. I love how having been here a bit longer now, I know the people better and know their ins and outs and their stories. To quote my favorite character in one of my favorite books "I'm especially fond of them!" which is an answer to a prayer my heart has been praying for the past few months. I want so badly to see people the way God sees them. To see their hearts, rather than guess about their motives and assume the worst. I have a very long way to go, but I am asking God for His help in this matter.

There is one little couple; he sings in the choir and she was in her pew, just beaming with pride. They've probably been married 40 years I'm guessing.... And he caught her eye and winked at her, right in the middle of the song. She melted on the spot. Just adorable! I would have missed that a year ago. :)

The bake auction was really fun. Our church is seriously hard core when it comes to missions and baked goods. :) Unfortunately Wendy's famous sugar cookies went about $80 to rich for my blood, but I did score a drum lesson for Eli. And one of our family's gave us the carrot cake that they bought because they had seen Eli drooling over it. It was very sweet.

Overall, I'm just excited for what God is doing. Excited to be growing closer to Him, and ready to experience an amazing General Council next week. It is a great time to serve the Lord!!

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