Jul 11, 2009

I'm not even sure when I've blogged last... I realize that I often say how crazy our life is - but it's felt especially crazy these past few weeks. I'm not saying that to complain but just to explain. I love blogging and it saddens me when I can't keep it up like I'd like to. I hate the idea of swiss cheese holes in our life.

Everything is going good. I certainly have my moments of stress and even sheer panic - but I mostly just trust that God has given me all that I need and it will all work out.

I'm working on a ton of big projects right now, or at least it feels that way. I just wrapped up my second wedding. You can see the pictures on my photography blog... The editing process was huge! I guess it was last time but the kids were in school full-time and I wasn't as booked as I have been lately. (praise the Lord for that!). I had the hardest time just finding consecutive hours to sit down and work on them. Finally I blo med out Monday and literally edited from 9am until midnight. It was worth it though, I'm so happy with the results.

Sunday I am participating in a vendor blender and I'm really excited about it. I've spent a lot of time preparing for it and have some new details I am excited to reveal. Mostly I've pulled together some great new prints and I've found myself wondering why I hadn't done that sooner. I've since decided that a photographers home should be filled with prints of her work.... ;)

I've also been working on our church's 90th Anniversary Commemorative Cookbook, which has been a bit of a project in itself. Thankfully, we've pulled in all of our recipes, have them sorted and organized, and Nancy has drawn up a very thorough index and we are ready to ship it on Monday morning! Praise the Lord! So I'm off the hook on that project for 4-6 weeks until the proof book comes back in. Rob doesn't think I should proof it, after all, I'm a PRO-tographer, he doesn't think my proofing skills are up to par. I agree! Oh well, it's going to be such a neat project when it's finally done, it's really a compilation of 2 previous Trinity cookbooks and then now a third! There will be over 800 recipes in the final edition. I think it's ironic that I've been heading up this project because I've never even contributed to a cookbook before, let alone assembled one!

As soon as we get that puppy in the mail, my next Anniversary project is a commemorative video. I get to sift through 90 years of photos and compile them into a beautiful photo slide show. Should be fun! :)

I've also spent a lot of time thinking about our house lately, and how we can make it work better for us. I'm hoping to spend some of our vacation cleaning, fixing and organizing. Things tend to move towards disarray with our current lifestyle!

Well, I need to get back to work. I'm working on a few last details for tomorrow's event. I also need to finish packing up Eli's stuff for camp. He leaves on Monday, so I'm looking forward to a special week with Sarah.

Oh, and before I go, I have a few random photos to share from the past few days.
Sarah has been sporting this shirt lately, and I love it! So true. I need a matching one I think.
I've been wearing my charm bracelet a lto more lately and thinking about all the meaning each charm has. Sarah is about to turn 5 (in a month) and I'd really love to start her on a silver charm bracelet, only to be worn for Christmas, Easter, and birthday for these first 10 or so years. I think she'd be all over it!
Yesterday we went to Grace's 7th birthday party. This is the outside of her gift. I found wrapping paper at IKEA the other day with Rob for $1 a roll! I love it!
This is the inside of her present. I did this quick scrapbook page and then put it into a special 12x12 frame I found at Hobby Lobby. I've been spending way too much time at Hobby Lobby lately!!
I snapped this pic of Eli the other afternoon. This is his usual spot on the couch. (he's like that cat that way) Speaking of Maddie....
I noticed this happening. Sarah is studying a book about dancing, and apparently Maddie is too? So funny. This is my house now, all these personalities existing under one roof, it's a real hoot, trust me!
But Maddie is fitting right in. This is her favorite spot while I edit. Yep, that's my lap. Makes it hard to shift positions when I'm editing for hours at a time. :)
And this is Sarah's new favorited spot for Maddie to hang out. Notice the ever patient kitten zipped up into the puppy carry-all.... Maddie is so much more patient than I would be!!

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