Jan 12, 2010

Photo 365, Photo #1

hey all..

Someone at church on Sunday was telling me about the 365 photo challenge, taking a photo a day for an entire year. At first I kind of brushed it off, one of those, 'it would be neat but impractical, too busy' kind of things. Then later I started thinking about it, (while I was doing dishes or cooking or something mundane like that) and realized what a great way it would be to grow my skills as a photographer.

So, I'm going to make an attempt, and post them all on here.

Here's yesterday's photo. I didn't have a lot of time yesterday, because I spent most of the day either in a meeting or out shopping with Jen for her big conference at the end of the month. I was not going to lug my camera to the mall. :) not for 6 hours anyway!

Wonder what I'll photograph today?

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