Jan 7, 2010


Such a good day. Not that I was busting out in happiness on the inside (like I usually am) but just a good day. Rob and I did make it to the scrapbook store, where I found the most beautiful sparkly butterfly garland for a certain young lady's August birthday, and also a good stash of wonderful new trinkets to inspire my pages, all at 35% off. Then we headed to Baybrook and got the Shuffle fixed (at no charge, yay!) and picked up the new Magic Mouse for my computer at home. I *heart* it so much! Who knew you could love a mouse? But it's from Apple and uses Touch technology, so? there you go.

Had some quality time at the hair salon with Jen this afternoon. That was relaxing, and my hair looks like me again. yay. Came home to the ribs I had set up in the crock pot at noon. yum. Nice quiet evening with the kiddos. They went to bed early, no problems from Sarah (sigh of relief). And then I scrapbooked 3 whole pages between 8 and 10. And I'm so excited about them, total put-your-heart-in-them pages. I'll share tomorrow. I may scrapbook again, because it really helped. a lot.

Funny random conversation Rob and I had while I was scrapping and he was lamenting over the Texas game... (I had been rambling about how I should have restocked some of my stickle colors at the store today)

Rob: "You know how much you care about football?"

Anna: "ew. yuck."

Rob: "That's about how much I care about scrapbooking."

Anna: "awww. but it's our family's history albums."

Rob; "I care about the end product, but I don't care about stickles and cutterpedes and stuff."

duly noted. You have to appreciate complete honesty in a marriage, don't you??

probably going to be seeing this conversation in a scrapbook page some time in the near future. :)

Off to cuddle next to my hubby on the couch while he watches (blegh) football and I cuddle with my chamomile and a good novel. life is good again.

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