Feb 3, 2010

Scrapbooking With Mom

I purposely tried to slow down a bit with Mom this time around. I really didn't want to send her back to 8 below with a sinus infection. So we hit a few scrapbook stores, but we also found some time to actually scrapbook. I finished 4 pages and am heavily into a 5th. Now I can't wait to get back to it, but my house is a disaster and I sit here blogging. (I did meal plan and grocery shop already this morning, so it's not a total loss).

But here are my efforts...

This page cracks me up because it's a saying we use in our house all the time... "You know apples don't fall far from trees..." And we are constantly realizing how dramatic our daughter is, but the reality probably is she's a lot like Rob and I. :) So this picture just screamed for something about apples and trees.

A fun page about my crazy world view and the effect it has on my photography. Thought the picture was well suited. Way to use up mismatched alpha stickers too!

Eli came home with this acrostic (Rob LOVES acrostics, he's such a 6 personality type like that) and it was just too sweet to not scrapbook. Worked pretty well with our blown out, forgot to re-meter-when-the-sun-moved, on the tripod in manual Thanksgiving photo.

And last but not least, this is my favorite page from the weekend. Esp. the pleated skirt!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These are amazing!!!!