How I still felt about grocery game.
This game has changed my life. I think about money and shopping totally differently.
Do you see this picture?
Everything you see here, I paid (hold on) $.50 for. Not kidding. Two quarters. The cashier was pretty impressed. Oh, and I will be getting $22 back in ECB's. (rebate type thing from CVS)
I love this, it is so much fun. It's completely addictive! I can't wait until next week to see what I can score for free!!
I need to take a picture of my stockpile just to give you a better idea, but it's a little spread out at the moment. Rob and I are in the midst of rearranging things to better accomodate my little habit. :) We also brought a freezer home from Springfield this weekend, it's all plugged in and ready to get filled now. Very exciting. It kind of feels like playing a video game, when you clear a level - gaining wisdom, experience, confidence and skills for the next series of challenges. Yep, I'm weird like that. But I'm ok with it. :)
PS - I love how, in the picture, you can look at those pink razors and see the price tag of $13.50
Yep, I rock.
Nice job! If I was not maxed out right now I would try this. How much time do you think it takes every week?
Hi Jennifer! Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you. Um, in the beginning I spent quite a bit of time doing it - cutting coupons, figuring out my list, organizing for the actual trip, and then making consequent trips for things I'd messed up or forgotten or mis-bought. But now, I probably spend 2-3 hours a week at it. More if there are numerous inserts. Once you get to the cherry-picking stage (just buying the things you need that you don't have already stockpiled) I think it gets a lot less time consuming. But initially I spent a hoard of time organizing coupons, reading message boards, understanding the system. Now it's pretty simple. I also have Lori to keep me informed of all the insanely good deals!!
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