Feb 24, 2007

Going Home

So glad to be going home today. This conference has been amazezing (in the words of Katelyn), but my brain feels like it is on overload. We are actually leaving this morning (after a quick run to Target - I have some coupons that will expire today). There is a huge blizzard system coming in and we don't want to get stuck in it. I miss my babies (I always do by day 3) and we have church all day tomorrow. Lots of stuff to do since we start homeschool on Monday. (yay!)
My mind is whirling from all that was discussed. And I am again amazed at how God links it all together, what's good for youth ministry applies to homeschool and homeschool to marriage and marriage to relationships. Make sense? I first discovered that in college and have found it to be true over and over since then. I love how you can learn on different levels and it's all interconnected. I have always tried to make learning a lifestyle and I think it keeps you passionate about life. Anyhoo, that's just my two cents.
I am a little bewildered by all I have to do at home, but I'm more excited by the challenge. I think homeschool will be an entirely new adventure for our family and I am ready for the first day to be here already!
Well, be praying for us as we head out, we've got a long drive and it's pretty poopy. Looking forward to being home sweet home.

PS - I cleaned up at Target the other day. Just for the record. I *heart* Target!

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