Feb 7, 2007

no time

I don't know what my deal is lately, but I just can't find any time. We spent 3 1/2 hours waiting to get our taxes done last night - so that is probably part of it. I'm super excited to share a bunch of new photos with you, but don't have the time to sort them out and get them up. My sister came on Monday and we took Eli to the Arch and it was awesome. But, I need to get out the door to do my shopping this morning, so I will get back to all that later. I am uploading a couple of photos of some new work from last week - I guess one I tweaked yesterday. The album is a Modern Album from American Crafts (love love love it!) that I altered with some funky Old Navy Paper and a bit of ribbon. Pretty plain, I love the funkiness.

REALLY in the mood to scrap today. Hopefully that will happen. Wednesdays are usually pretty crazy around here. Oh, and I heard from my brother Chris today, he's doing pretty good. Really busy over there, but seems satisfied with his job. Begging for more cookies, so I need to get right on that! :) Anyhoo, hope you enjoy the pages. -a

PS - I have like a million more thoughts on homeschooling - but I'm pretty sure it's a go!! Talk at ya later!

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