Feb 23, 2007

Navigating the Maze

with Jen Deweert and Melissa Kossack

(women in ministry)

How to Thrive Rather then Survive

How do you find balance with parenting, ministry, as a wife?
look to God for encouragement. adjust as you go along. make time for your babies, they are your first ministry. pick and choose your areas of responsibility. the Lord is not going to punish your kids because you are in ministry. your kids will get through it. the other people in your life are good for your kids too. you can’t compare yourself to any other mom or any other women in ministry. look at what God has given you, and what He requires of you. just be obedient with what you have already on your plate. honor Him with it. realize with small kids, this is just a season. we need to be purposeful with our relationships with kids, because our time is limited. be specific in the ministry that you have. you can stay home and still be involved, find that happy medium. moms tend to either stay home and only stay home, or stay home and barely stay there. find the balance between the two.

How do you minister to teenagers without destroying your kids character??
open dialogue with your children. find a way to ask for help. (it’s ok) helps us teach our kids that we have a mission in this world. look for a balance between spending time with teenagers and with kids.

What about my ministry??
bringing your ministry in line with your husband. finding satisfaction in what you are doing.

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