Feb 26, 2007

playing around with photo booth

Today was a pretty great day. I had a dark moment with Sarah, but it's just her twoedness. We survived our first day of homeschool (woot, woo!). Eli loved it. We were done in about an hour and a half and that rocked. He read the entire first chapter of Genesis to me. Amazing.
Had a fun Walgreens run today. Love that store, especially now that my rebates are flowing back in. That makes it even more fun! CVS is still my favorite, but that's ok. Really got SIX absolutely free deodorants today. Can't beat that with a big stick in my book. :)
I'm tired. I need to go to bed, but I'm uploading Rob's videos to Expo. We are all working as a family towards a Wii. We think it would be a great family activity.
Oh, so we were in subway (had a coupon) and did a few videos for expo. (free food is the best food). Anyway, Rob finished filming me and Sarah says, now do me! She picks up her juice box and says "This is my juice. I like it..." Unfortunately Rob wasn't filming. But it was the cutest!! Like mother like daughter, I guess!

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