This has been in my head all week as we are working on these silly ceiling tiles. But they are hopefully being finished as I typed. I kept the kids at the church until 8:30 tonight and they just couldn't take it any longer. I had a couple more hours fight in me - more gets done when I'm there pushing, but I have to be kinder to my children.
These tiles have been kicking our butts all week - painting 10 or 15 at a time, but by about Wednesday I had the grand idea of using the gym and laying out plastic and doing them all at once. 220 ceiling tiles, but whose counting?? We were whipping through them tonight while two of our students were having at the floor upstairs. I think we'll start sanding tomorrow. I'm sooooo excited for this room, it's turning out amazing. We primed and painted all the walls yesterday and today and worked on the trim. We have some touching up to do and the finishing details. (painting 'theLOFT' on the lime green stripe, etc.) It's really coming together and I can't wait for Pastor and Linda to see it when they come home. Stink, I just can't wait to get it done and get back to my life! We've spent the past 5 full days working on it - 8am to 9pm except for yesterday, we bugged out at three. details. So going to be worth it though. Well, off to get some beauty sleep, tomorrow is going to be a long one.
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