Dec 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

So I finally mailed my Christmas cards, two days ago. whew. I'm not sure if I'll do that again next year, if I do, I will start a lot earlier for sure.
We are home these next few days. Wow, that's exciting to think about. We all slept in until 7:30 this morning, which is awesome for us! Tonight we have Candlelight service, but that is our only obligation today, so that's pretty sweet. We rented a couple movies - free via Redbox and we need to start cleaning house for Rob's mom's visit. :) It's a little bad, but oh well! I'm just going to enjoy having my family home.
If this post seems scattered it's because Sarah is sitting in my lap asking me a million questions - her new thing. It's been nice having her home from school though, I miss her during the day. She's growing fast.
Last night we had Unplugged and that was cool. Then afterwards we had to run some new students home so all of the sudden it was eight pm and we were still 25 minutes from home. So we took our kids out to MCD - which really turns out to be a treat when you haven't done it in FOREVER. It's truely been well over two months and they had Strawberry Shortcake toys - Sare is suddenly way into Strawberry Shortcake. So we splurged and I'm so glad we did, we all had such a good time laughing and entertaining each other. We definitely created a memory.
So tonight I think we are going to light a fire in our fireplace - look out Santa! And we are going to break out some marshmallows and make some more memories. I encourage you to do the same with your family these next two days. Our two childen are already (almost) 7 and 3. Trust me, this time is flying. I want to do it right! Merry Christmas Y'all!

PS - I have another family photo sitting scheduled for Wednesday. A BIG family. Yay!!

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