May 8, 2006

Five Fickle things about Mefound this post on Kelli Crowe's blog, found it interesting so I'm going to share mine here.

5 Things in my fridge:

* a near endless supply of dr pepper. (I'm addicted and I can't stop!)

* lemon cake for tomorrow's funeral luncheon.

* paint and a brush - waiting to finish the trimwork around the house.

* english muffins

* fourty-two bottles of salad dressing - and we hardly ever eat salad

In my closet

* lots of clothes but nothing to wear!

* many bags and purses, I like to accessorize.

* one belt. I wear it all the time! (seriously, I'm in my pj's now, or it wouldn't be in my closet!)

* things hung in order from work clothes, daily clothes, dressy casual and church. pretty organized for me.

* lots of creepy dust, it's an old house and I haven't thoroughly cleaned it just yet. Officially making my to-do list, now that I've shared that with all you.

In my purse

* kleenex mini pack - allergy season is in full swing.

* checkbook

* keys on my eiffel tower keychain.

* a diaper and wipes and a bib. (always a mom)

* my to-do/sermon note journal, half full and it's a month old!

SADLY, no cell phone, but I'm working on Rob to fix that, I really need one for emergencies.

In my car:

* hoards of cds, legitimate cds of Rob's and crazy mixes of mine. I like to jam in the car. And our share of the Wiggles and Barney too.

* an endless supply of stale cheerios in between the seat cushions and under the floor mats.

* a millenium edition of the Atlas, battered and torn. No wonder we keep getting lost. You know it's bad when you've memorized the highways the DOT has completed or closed since your map was printed!!

* Rob's TARGET pass, hanging from our rear-view mirror. It just looks cool.

* whatever trash my kids hauled out with them to school this morning and failed to bring back in this afternoon!

On my Tivo: (I don't TVo but if I did here's my list)

* Grey's Anatomy. We do not miss an episode. I SO CAN'T BELIEVE MCDREAMY SAID THAT TO HER LAST NIGHT!!!

* ER. We seriously have watched this show all twelve (or whatever) years!!

* the Office. We like it but rarely see it.

and sadly, that's about it. We watch entirely too much PBS at our house.

To add my own fun five....

on my iRiver

* Your Beautiful by James Blunt. despite the cuss word, a very pretty song.

* Garden For Two by Code of Ethics. Our 8th anniversary is tomorrow, this is our song and I'm feeling sappy.

* Lisa Loeb is way my gal lately.

* Superchick. Something about strong women with tough lyrics I guess.

Off to finish up Rob's super cool anniversary present. I'll post a picture tomorrow maybe. It's not like he ever reads my blog anyway. In his defense he says "I lived it!!!" tehee. Totally love that guy. Looking forward to our date tomorrow night!

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