May 20, 2006

Still Fighting It

Listening to Ben Folds Five lately. Rob makes fun of me, but some of their lyrics just get me. Music has always been a powerful thing for me, and even though I'm now a pastor's wife, I still occasionally listen to secular music - sometimes it just connects the dots for me and helps me process things and see how I fit in with the rest of the world. Does that make sense?? I like to look at society as a whole sometimes, to see tendencies and patterns. Anyhoo, these particular lyrics have been moving me lately.

"Everybody knows it hurts to grow up....

Pain, sunny days and rain...

Everybody knows it sucks to grow up. Everybody does. It's so weird to be back here. The years go on And we're still fighting it. You'll try and try and one day you'll fly away from here."

Yeah, that just fits right now. I think they hit the nail on the head. There are so many things about getting older that just stink and the more grown-up you get the more you just have to suck it up and stick it out.

Personally I think it's oddly ironic that I was in such a hurry to get out of high school and get out on my own, life was so much less complicated then. Wish I had enjoyed the easy expectations just a little more, had no idea what life would really be like.

It's just the older you the wiser you are, mostly to realize you know so little, in comparison to the big picture. You see things, people dying, babies born, the cycle of life - the ebb and flow. You are scarred and rebuilt, and through it all (at least I) try to make sense of it all.

Just some thoughts to chew on.

Not depressed or anything, just thinking hard. I really enjoy contemplating these types of things, just trying to figure out where I fit in this world. :)

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