May 30, 2006

Whirlwind weekend

You seriously would not believe this weekend. It's been insane. So I didn't go to Springfield. The ignition on our car died on Thursday instead. Kim decided not to come. Which made me sad, but I understood. Lori and Jay came up on Friday night, intending to stay through Monday afternoon. They are still here, and that's a long story in itself, but I'll have to ask their permission before I share it all here.

We scrapped at Archiver's on Saturday. That in itself is an experience, I love scrapping in a store, and that's a mega store, so it was awesome. The chairs are gushy, they have a fridge so you can store your lunch. The work room is huge. It's just awesome. The kids have been great, with the exception of Sarah's pincher fingers. ergh. We did church on Sunday. Rob spoke at youth-led service on Sunday night, it was awesome. I'm way excited to see how the church will respond to 'servant evangelism'. I hope they 'catch the Spirit' to quote the United Methodist eighties catch phrase! :)

We've spent a lot of time talking, connecting, playing with our kids on the floor. We all enjoyed a walk last night, must have been quite the sight to see us all traipsing up the sidewalk - eight in all.

I've finished nine scrapbook pages so far. Not sure when I'll post them, but sometime soon, I will.

It was a good a mail day, I recieved two exciting packages. The first was my Hambly Studios order, it's so yummy, I'm so excited to play now!!! I also got a surprise from my mom, this little square frame with a cross stitch of 'a's all over it. It's sooooo cute!!! I need to find the perfect spot for it in my studio, which is starting to fill to the brim with a's - I found an @ sign at Archiver's this weekend!! love it! Thanks Mom!

Well, off to finish things up for lunch. I'll post more when I can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah so you'll need to update me on that...sounds like it was more than just a regular weekend. K--