May 2, 2006

Sorry, I've been distracted lately.

My life has been, well, all-consuming lately. Rob had minor surgery on Saturday and he had some complications that made it not-so-minor. I spent most of Saturday wondering if I needed to take him to the ER. The $500 deductible on our insurance really made me hesitant. He's doing better now, but the recovery has taken WAY longer than we expected. So much so that we almost canceled going to graduation tomorrow - he's concerned about the car ride. But his dad is making the effort to come, so we are going. Please be praying for us - I will be doing all the driving and all the kid corralling. I'm excited to see all my friends, but entering this trip all ready worn out. The next few weeks will be insane here. (he goes back to the dr on friday and i think the doc will be shocked at how bad it looks. yikes.)
My kids are making me crazy. Namely just one. I think I gave Sarah vinegar 8 times today. She doesn't feel well and her pinchers are at an all-time high. She has allergies/cold, but she's just being a pill. So looking forward to 4 hours in the car with her butt tomorrow!
Well, I'm way tired, just got on to take care of some details. We leave at 6am tomorrow. fun. Hopefully I will have some great graduation pictures to share when I get home. ttfn.


The Sermonator said...

Prayers and blessings follow you to Springfield and back.

Anonymous said...

we will be praying for you guys.