Sep 2, 2006

awash with inspiration
Does it ever just hit you in waves? And you get a little egotistical and start to think you are all that? Well, I don't think I'm all that, but I've had a couple brilliant ideas lately.
I forgot to mention that yesterday I found this beautiful antique tablecloth for a DOLLAR at a yard sale. Oh my goodness. I love vintage tablecloths - they just look like they tell a story. Anyway, I have one, haggled over it - eight dollars - a couple years back. Haven't done anything with it, but I still find it beautiful.
So anyway, I had no reason to buy this thing, but I couldn't resist. I brought it home (Rob thought it was awesome) and it was laying around all day yesterday. In my random pile-moving it wound up in the studio and it occured to me what neat curtains it would make. So, ta-da!! No sewing required - my kind of curtains. I know it doesn't really match or anything, but it's so vintage and random and beautiful. Very happy. I love the eclectic feeling of my studio, it's exactly what an artist's home should be.

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