Sep 13, 2006

random thoughts from the day

MOPs started this morning. Whew. What a breath of fresh air. I just felt so recharged and ready for at least another two weeks of mothering. :) I love MOPs - it is the best organization in the world and I seriously don't think I would still be staying at home if it weren't for this group of internationally united women. You can go anywhere in the country and find a group and find a home. I was uneasy to commit right away to this group, only because different groups have different personalities - but as soon as I walked in the door I knew without a doubt that it was the group for us. So welcoming, I can tell I will make friends super fast and I totally need that right now. They have a book club (yay!) and a scrapbook group (double yay!) and a walking club (my roll says yay!). I am just excited to really plug in. Even in Ozark I held back because I knew how short term we were there. So this morning was really awesome and I am thankful for a new support system. but an aside - I felt like a huge dork hacking up a lung all morning long - I can't believe how long this cough has hung on. I feel fine other than this terrible deathbed cough. grrr.
New Subject. Read on a message board this morning someone asking if "Do your opinions of people ever change?". Like if you write someone off as a jerk do you ever reassess your opinion of them later? Can they get off your list or move back on if removed? I was sad for this lady, it seemed she thought not. Wow. I live for second chances. I've said and done so many stupid things in my lifetime I would hope people wouldn't just write me off for an idiot and move on. But maybe they do? Anyhoo, I want to encourage you TODAY to rethink some of your relationships - or lack thereof - maybe you've misjudged (ooh painful word) someone and they need a re-evaluation. Why don't you give them that opportunity to prove you wrong. Sometimes, they are just having a bad day. Here's to second chances.

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