Oct 7, 2006

I need to consult my list.

I know there are things that I need to do today, but I've been busy being distracted with other things. I fall (?) cleaned the entire upstairs this morning. My children were so excited, they are up there messing it up now! :)
I cleaned out the car, too. Flylady says Thursday's are for cleaning out cars but Thursday just didn't work for me this week. I still need to vacuum it and wash it, but it's Saturday and that sounds like a job for Rob! :)
I know that I still need to make a card for our new little godchild - whose baptism is this evening and wrap his gift. I know I need to find something to wear. (grrr.) And showering would be good too. But it's just one of those super-productive days where you hate to waste it, know what I mean?
Last night was great. Chonda is hilarious. I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants. Seriously, doubled over in laughter. The woman couldn't stop. She talked alot about menopause - which is a terrifying thought to me - but I just kept laughing. She was saying she'd be up in the middle of the night in one of her hot flashes, just sweating buckets and accidently wake her husband and he'd give her the look!! Yeah, like that was going to happen. Give me a break!! I just rolled. Oh, she's just so sweet with her little high-pitched southern drawl. I think she could get me to laugh it anything. I would love to hear her thoughts on potty training, it might give me some perspective! ha ha.
I'm adding some pictures from the games the other day. We missed Britanny, she was playing somewhere else and we didn't catch her in time. But all of these pictures were taken from our seats in the bleachers. I *heart* my new camera!!! (so does Rob!)

Oh, and I've been scrapbooking. I've taken some pictures, but don't have time to post them all now. Just really have that creative, clean sweep thing going for me.

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