Oct 23, 2006

what did we do today??

I'll give you a hint. It's a three letter word, it starts with 'Z' and rhymes with 'boo'.

We are so bad. Rob missed the kids, and letting Eli be tardy this morning grew into taking the kids to the zoo. We hadn't spent any family time in way too long and Eli is such a good student - we figured one day wouldn't kill him.
We had so much fun. It was definitely brisk, but the buildings were all heated and we probably saw half the zoo. They loved it. Oh, and I'm still in love with my camera, I'm sure you can see why. No more fuzzy bad pictures of animals and kids.
So tomorrow Rob goes back to work and life resumes. Starting the day with a dental appointment. grr. totally terrified, hope I can sleep tonight. Then I need to buy the tickets for Friday night's concert - Barlowgirl and Matthew West live. Can't wait, it's going to be awesome. So far I have four teenagers I'm taking. Psyched. Hoping to make it to story hour at the library tomorrow am too, Sarah loves it and it's so good to get out and be social. Oh, and MOPs is this week, which is always a highlight for us. Getting ready for Halloween, but even moreso, starting to gather momentum for November. Youth Convention is around the corner (whee!!) and then Turkey Day. I finished up the menu today and wrote my grocery list. Too exciting!
Well, I suppose I'd better get to bed, it's going to be long day tomorrow. If you think of it, pray for me at 8am - I haven't been to the dentist in a frightfully long time and I'm not sure which I'm more scared of - the news or the bill. eeck.

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