Oct 31, 2006

a few pictures for your enjoyment

Been taking quite a few these days. Today's been wierd though. We went to the Library this morning, and had an incident at Target. Totally useless too. I ripped out the pocket on one of my two daily pairs of jeans this morning, so I'm looking to replace them. And because jean shopping is oh-so enjoyable anyway, try shopping with a two year old and that will just add insult to injury. The mirror says you're fat and your escaping child proves you're slow! :) So we wasted the morning. Well, then we came home and did lunch with Daddy and Sarah went to sleep for a two and a half hour nap. We snuck in an episode of LOST (our latest addiction - as if we needed another one) and then Rob went back to work and I did dishes for an hour and scrubbed the fridge for another hour. Felt mildly productive, but I'm way behind on laundry - so I should get off this computer and get back to work.

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