Dec 17, 2006

holy night.

I love this time of year. This morning, I really caught the spirit of christmas. I mean, I've always loved christmas, but it takes me a bit to get into things. And today I just did. The music, the pointsettas, the lights, cherubic faces of the child re-inactment of the nativity - it was just all there. Not a moment too late for me either.
This morning's Purpose Driven lesson talked about love and busyness, how busyness keeps us from focusing on our purpose - having loving relationships. Wow. Timely. So today - in and amongst my duties as pastor's wife, sunday school teacher, and drama director - I spent quality time with my kids. We had a wonderful lunch with Nettie and the Nortons (our fun name for Kyndal's crowd) at KFC and came home for naps for the kids - catch up time for mom. When Eli got up we sat at the kitchen table and made snowflakes from paper - he'd never done it before and he was enthralled! I had forgotten how much fun it was!
The drama tonight went awesome. I was so proud of our students - they were phenomenal. Everyone remembered their lines. They all 'acted'. so proud.
Eli and Sarah had special parts too - Sarah was a very reluctant sheep, she was much more interested in holding baby Jesus. Eli was a proud Joseph. I was amazed.
So much love here tonight. Sarah is up in her room - getting ready to sleep - singing "Jesus Loves Me". I turned the monitor up to 6 so I could hear her. Tonight has been one of those nights where you realize how precious and fleeting life is and you just stop and soak up every minute of it that you can. Take a second to love on your little ones, give your husband an extra long hug, and don't take another moment for granted.

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