Dec 6, 2006

of course it's pnuemonia...

Up for mother-of-the-year again. But it will swiped away by another candidate with this last blazenly brilliant maternal faux paux. I finally returned to the dr. (if you can call them that) with Sarah and she has, you guessed it.... pnuemonia. Not sure how, the girl is on her third round of antibiotics in the past 5 weeks, but whatever.
It kind of kills me, cause I never let my kids play outside unless it's 50 degrees plus. They always wear their coats. The only germy place we ever visit is church. But they still manage to catch the creeping crud. Poor Sarah, she's miserable. Poor us, she's making every one around her miserable!
Oh well, hopefully this is all long behind us by the time we pack up and head for Iowa. Yep, Iowa for Christmas. They don't get much smarter than us! :) I'm just hoping we are done with all this weather by then, but not holding my breath. Very excited to see Mom and Dad. And Lori's new house. And Rob's dad. It will be great to get away for a bit. And we feel so grown up because we are renting a car! :) It's sad when you are 27 and you have to rent a car to feel like a grown up. details.
Anyhoo, I just baked a loaf of bread and it's seriously tempting me. Oh, and did I mention I have little or no willpower? good to know.

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