Oct 4, 2007

Four Hours @ Lowe's...

Seriously. That's a lot of time. I wish I had thought to take pictures, but lately I've been forgetting my camera at home. There's a sign that I'm too busy. :) Rob and I did a 'quick' little run to Lowe's today for the supplies for the new youth room. Four hours, three carts and $800 later we checked out. Wow. Crazy fun though. I'm super psyched about our project. The room is mostly stripped and ready to get started. We'll start pulling down ceiling tiles and painting on Monday morning. Yay!

So I'm tired today, but really psyched about our life right now. We are in such a good place. I've been listening to some podcasts lately called Satan's SexEd from Lifechurch. Very interesting stuff. One of the major points in the Singles talk is that marriage means unconditional surrendering of your rights while increasing your responsibility. Sounds like work, right?? Wow, that is so true. I was thinking this morning, if you told me ten years ago what I'd be doing with my life now and how much responsibility I have I think I would have broken down in tears. :) But here I am doing it, and maybe even excelling at it (jury's still out) and it's exciting and fulfilling and more than everything I've ever wanted out of life. kwim? Any, it's a great point to explain to students wanting to rush into relationships. Makes you think really hard about how much you are investing in a relationship. Sometimes I think back about how Rob and I got married at 18 and 19 and I think we were crazy. If I had the maturity then that I do now, I would have known how insane we were. But you know, I'm so glad we did and glad we've made it through and more than made it, flourished. God is good, yes?


JimmyBob said...

Hey, I just came across your blog as I was searching for other ministers and such. Are you and your husband singles pastors?

My wife and I are currently in youth ministry. But, it may not be for much longer. We also run our young adult ministry and we really enjoy it. Now that I'm 35, I'm starting to feel the age gap between me and teenagers.

God bless you!

antho said...

We are youth pastors, but Rob does music too. And we both pretty much help out where ever it's needed.

and there's always an age gap, isn't there? A few weeks ago we were playing a game during lifegroups which required you to pretend to be the other people in the group and one of my students, pretending to be me, said I was 54!! 54!! dude. I got old fast.

JimmyBob said...

Yeah, there will always be the age gap thing. I'm just feeling it more lately. That, coupled with so many other things, we're at a place where the Lord is prompting us toward something. Now, to move in his timing and be brave enough to speak up.

Our church has treated us well and we are very comfortable. Also, there is so many good things happening with the youth right now. It seems I'm insane for thinking about moving on.

Yet, we are. Thanks for listening.

antho said...

Sometimes when God's working on your heart to do something new it seems insane in the world's view. Just in my experience anyway...

We walked away from a full and happy life in Iowa (selling a house and most of our possessions) five years ago to return to bible college to fulfill the call on Rob's (and my) life. Everyone told us we were crazy.

I'll be praying for you and your wife as you consider God's next step in your lives.

JimmyBob said...

This is so weird, so I had to come back and post again. Originally, when I was searching for blogs of ministers with the Assemblies of God, I came across your site because you had posted about an event you attended that featured Steve Pulis, Youth Alive Missionary.

I just looked through that section of your blog again, and I noticed a picture of someone I recognized - Jeff Kossack! After reading some more, I realized you guys were in Illinois at the time, and of course he was the DYD.

Before going off to Illinois, Jeff and Melissa were youth pastors at Mesa First Assembly in Mesa, AZ. Mesa is the neighboring town to Chandler, AZ where I am youth pastor at Chandler First Assembly. We were friends and partners in ministry.

Now, Jeff has returned to Arizona, and just preached his first Sunday today as the new pastor of Mesa First Assembly.

As I have been praying for what to do with our lives, I recently met with the current youth pastor of that church and told him I would love to come and work with Pastor Jeff as an associate and young adult pastor.

Mesa First is about 5 minutes from my house on the same main road. We wouldn't even have to move this time! (Last time we changed churches in 2002, we came to AZ from NJ).

What a neat coincidence (ha, ha) that you would know the same pastor I am praying about approaching to possibly work with.

This was a God thing. Please pray for us, and I'll keep you posted.

antho said...

That's crazy. Reminds us all once again what a small world it is. :) Especially in the AG church!

Steve Pulis is a good friend of ours. He actually was instrumental in bringing us to our current position.

We really enjoyed working with Melissa and Jeff. In fact, leaving their leadership was one of the toughest things about leaving IL. We just found out a month or so ago that they went to AZ.

I will be praying for God's favor for you both. Jeff and Melissa a great people. Let me know how it turns out!