Aug 16, 2008

Random Things My Kids Say

(Lori thinks this needs to be an ongoing post.)

*I was getting my shower finished up and ready for the day.   Eli runs in and asks me if it's ok if Sarah is done with her breakfast and can play with him.  I say sure.  I runs back yelling to Sare...

"Sarah, Mom said you can skip breakfast and play video games instead!"    great.

*Eli and Sarah are discussing her upcoming birthday. Eli is being the wiser older brother and says..."

"Sarah, you know that your birthday is not about the presents, right?"

Sarah looks him square in the eye.

"I know Eli. My birthday is about me."

*Eli and Isaiah are talking about going to the movie Space Chimps. Eli is asking Isaiah if his Dad can take Eli with because he can't go. Why can't he go?

"Because my mom spent all her money at Burger King."

(remember how I lost my debit card earlier in the week? I had spent all my cash on supper last night. silly boy.)

*We were in Hobby Lobby the other day. Sarah picked up a bell and was carrying it around like she was going to chuck it in the cart the first moment I wasn't looking. Eli says (in his loudest speaking voice possible)

"MOM, Sarah's shoplifting again!"

Oh, moments when a mother cringes and pretends those aren't her children tearing up Hobby Lobby right then and there.

Then there's the time I'm in the dressing room with Sarah - trying clothes on her. She puts her hands on her hips, emphasizing the offending skirt and says

"I can't wear this, Mom, it's LAME."

Opinionated little stinkers, aren't they?


Anonymous said...

Too funny.....what wonderful children you have!!

Anonymous said...

That comment is from Grammy...

antho said...

I'm trying to keep this post going for you. :)