Aug 2, 2008

Home Body

(I'm well aware that these are by no means brilliant pictures, but they are cute and tell a story, so that's ok)

Today was one of those days where you are just so thankful to be in your home. (I guess that's even more emphasized when you realize it's 102 degrees outside with 50% humidity making the real feel something like 107.)

But seriously, today was awesome. We slept in, well, as much as our almost-four-year-old will let us. When I did roll out of bed I resumed reading The Kite Runner and even finished it. Wow. There's a novel. Now, it's not a Christian novel, so please take that into account when I recommend it to you. There's definitely some 'worldliness' in it, but it's plot-conducive and overall it was a fascinating read. Extremely eye opening. I think I'll have to rent the movie now, but I'm sure I'll be grossly disappointed, as I usually am with books-turned-movies. The author has quite a way with words and I felt like he did an unusually brilliant job of tying the entire story together, from the first page to the last. There's lots of irony and foreshadowing and it's just extremely well-written, which means something coming from me, I'm generally extremely picky when it comes to fiction. I read A LOT but I like very little. In fact, I enjoyed this book so much that I just placed his next book A Thousand Splendid Suns on hold at the library.

Anyhoo, we met some friends for coffee at 10am and I've decided that Starbucks might truly be an ideal way to start a Saturday - all that canned energy really made for a productive Anna. :) Then we headed over to Walmart for the Saturday morning frenzy but happened to scoop up a Wii Fit, which I've been drooling over and searching for months now. I was pretty psyched. (they are nearly impossible to find) I love it already - we've all been taking turns with it all day! I can see how this is going to really help me in the get up and get moving category. The yoga is hard, but fun and I think I'll really enjoy it. Rob was pretty impressed with my natural ability already with it. It's always a good thing when you can impress a guy after 12 years and two kids, right??

So I'm feeling all domestic today. I actually reacquinted myself with my long lost friend, the kitchen. We made chocolate chip cookies today (not exactly in keeping with yoga) and I made Danielle's meatloaf for supper, complete with bread and a salad. I also made a beef stew to eat off for the next few weeks. I freeze it in ziplock backs - 3-4 portions in each baggie, it works out very nicely. I've also done a bunch of laundry and spent about an hour with my camera, not really taking pictures, but playing around with settings and always learning more. It was fun. It's been so nice just to relax and enjoy my family and my home. It just seems like all we've done is run lately, and I'm tired.

Now I'm ready to wrestle Rob for my turn with the Wii. It's funny, because I remember my friend Lori's husband telling us all about the Wii long before it came out. Man, we would tease him about it, making up all kinds of lousy Wii jokes. And now, we have one and have forever and love it. Guess I owe that guy a serious apology, huh?

(oh and yes, I'm aware that my house is a disaster in these photos, but that's not really what today was about, was it??)

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

Enjoy your Wii fit guys, we LOVE ours too!!! I didn't think it would be fun but it is. Worth every penny.