Apr 15, 2007

Can't Sleep.

Something about knowing I will have one less permanent tooth by lunchtime tomorrow. I don't know. Just can't seem to settle down. I'm exhausted from the day, but my mind starts to race when I think about tomorrow. I know, just don't think about. That's my husband's mantra, but it has never worked for me. I just start thinking about it harder. I think I'm going to need some drugs tomorrow. :)
I'm kidding. I'm being such a baby. I've had two c-sections, what's a little oral surgery? I'm WAY tougher than I look. (I know I look like a wuss) I just don't like the anticipation. Man, you should have seen me the day we went in to have Sarah, I was a wreck!!!
It's just been a rough few weeks. Heck, a rough month or two. But that's ok. Things are looking up. I'm going to get this rotten tooth out of my mouth (that in itself is something to praise God for!) and then I'm going to see UNITED in concert on Friday night. I can't wait!!! Then it's almost May, which is my all-time favorite month of the year. I'm selfish, I know. But really, it's our anniversary (the big NINE) and Mother's Day and my birthday all in the space of about ten days. It pretty much rocks. Plus, my folks are coming and I'm pulling together this giant shindig for church. And I don't even care if anyone forgets my birthday this year, cause Me and Expo are going to celebrate together!! I really want a party, but I don't know if it's just completely vain to throw yourself a party. I just really like to party and for some silly reason, 28 is a big deal to me. My barbies were always 28, it's just my ideal age or something. :)
I kind of like being up late. The house is so quiet. Wish I had enough energy to go clean the place, it sure needs it!! But I don't. I got up to organize some bills, get this weeks finances thought through. But now that's done, so maybe I can sleep a little better with that off my brain.

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